Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Spaniard is Never Wrong

When I first arrived in Spain to live, I soon encountered an unexpected phenomenon in public offices and many shops: a disinterest in customers or clients and a stubborn refusal to admit error, both of which are clearly dysfunctional to the conduct of daily business. One of my first sketches for a blog had the headline you see above. But then I thought, let's cool it. We all have our quirks. And many foreigners coming to Spain are quite overbearing. I laid that blog on ice.

Still, these impressions on my part assumed that those Spanish habits were only directed at foreigners. Later I realized I was wrong. The post-election circus of January-February surrounding the formation of a new national government is revealing of just these tendencies. The insistence on being right and holding their own line is not just a way of facing foreigners; it is how Spaniards treat each other, at least in public affairs.

Two words in Spanish may illustrate. First, equivocarse, "being wrong". Spanish is a language kind to people in the wrong. It assumes that a person who acts contrary to rules or logic is not wrong, he or she only mistakes one thing for another, or does something poorly, or misunderstands. To be wrong in a more direct sense is not part of the picture. If a Spaniard acts contrary to rules or logic, it is not because he fails to grasp, to understand things, or because he intentionally breaks the rules. Doing so would assume he is either stupid or criminal. The prevalence of this kind of attitude smooths relations at all social levels, at least for those who understand what's going on. It may also serve to hide the truth from others, who don't really get it.

Not surprisingly, therefore, there is no direct translation. The Spanish word for being wrong is «equivocarse», quite close to the English word equivocate. You know what that word means in English; it signals ambiguity, to speak with double meaning. In French it connotes uncertainty, dubiousness, misunderstanding. In the Spanish language «equivocarse» is the nearest one can come to saying someone is in error. In my Spanish-Spanish Diccionario de Bolsillo the verb «errar» (Eng.: to err) is defined as «equivocarse». But there can be no doubt the etymology is about "two or more equal calls", two voices, two meanings. Nothing about error.

What is the broader significance of this? It shows a cultural reluctance to admit error, to refuse to take the bull by the horns (sic!), or to confront error with a correction. Errors are not really errors, just mishaps. Corruption is not really corruption, it is rather just something that oils the machinery of public affairs. Nothing wrong with that, is there? In general the soft tone of equivocarse may be irritating, or sometimes even charming. Nevertheless, in public administration and politics it can cause complications.

Next word: «compromiso». Unless you know the language you might think it means compromise, but in a timely article in El Pais, John Carlin points out that the idea of arriving at agreement by making mutual concessions is foreign to Spanish political culture. The word compromise evidently has no direct translation into Spanish.
(See "Una palabra elemental que no existe en español", El Pais, January18, 2016.).

Now, clearly there are other expressions in Spanish that convey that meaning, for example "transigir" (to make concessions). That goes as well for being wrong, "equivocarse". My point is, though, that compromise and equivocate are words familiar in the political discourse of other European languages, but their meaning in Spanish is shifted to something else. The underlying tendency in their Spanish sense is to avoid losing face if you fail. Barring that, stick to your guns and press others to concede.

This tendency of inflexibility is reflected in the actions of the major party leaders in Spanish politics after the elections of December 20. They stick to their "red lines" (irrevocable positions) despite knowing well that nobody else will accept them. With open eyes, and the deadline fast approaching for deciding on new elections, they are heading for the precipice. New elections. As if that will save them.